Institut Pasteur
Institut Pasteur is a non-profit foundation with recognized charitable status set up by Louis Pasteur in 1887, is today an internationally renowned center for biomedical research. In the pursuit of its mission to tackle diseases in France and throughout the world, the Institut Pasteur operates in four main areas: research, public health, training, and development of research applications. The Institut Pasteur is a globally recognized leader in infectious diseases, microbiology, and immunology, with research focusing on the biology of living systems. Among its areas of investigation are emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, certain cancers, neurodegenerative diseases, and brain connectivity disorders. The Institut Pasteur's outstanding research is facilitated by the development of a technological environment of the highest standard, with core facilities for nanoimaging, computational biology and artificial intelligence. Since its inception, 10 Institut Pasteur scientists have been awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine, including two in 2008 for the 1983 discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS. The Institut Pasteur is part of the Pasteur Network a worldwide network of more than 30 members on five continents, united by Pasteurian values, that contribute to global health.
The “CIBU” was created in 2002 within the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France, in order to respond to specialized biological urgencies including epidemics of natural cause, biological accidents or bioterrorist attacks. The focus of its research activities is the detection and identification of pathogens by high-throughput and large spectrum technologies. The CIBU is part of the Environment and Infectious Risks Research and Expertise Unit (ERI) and includes three poles: Viral Identification, Bacterial Identification and Genotyping of Pathogens.
Pasteur Network
Pasteur Network is a worldwide network of more than 30 members, united by common Pasteurian values, which include humanitarianism, universalism, perseverance, knowledge transmission. This unique model of cooperation in health brings together, beyond the independent public or private structures that constitute the network, a human and scientific community mobilised on both local and international health priorities in a logic solidarity. Pasteur Network members share the missions of biomedical research, public health, training and innovation and technology transfer. Present in 25 countries worldwide within numerous endemic areas, the Pasteur Network has demonstrated time and time again its role as a major player for the benefit of global health through the One Health approach, actively contributing to improving human health.