Educational videos
Videos explaining the different sectors of the MediLabSecure project are being developed with all the working groups.
"What is the role of animal virologists in the surveillance of vector-borne diseases?", "How are viral diseases diagnosed?", "Are we able to control the vector?", "Why is a One Health approach important?" - These educational videos highlight in 3 minutes the fundamental role of these disciplines in the surveillance of vector-borne diseases.
These videos, conceived by INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria), IRD (French National Research Institute for Sustainable Developmentt) ISS (Istituto Superiore di Sanità) and Institut Pasteur, present the key role of Human virology, Animal virology, Medical entomology and Public Health in the fight against vector-borne diseases.
Do not hesitate to share them within the network and beyond (social media, etc.) to promote the project and the multisectorial approach!

Video 1 - Click here for the french version

Video 2 - Click here for the french version

Video 3 - Click here for the french version

Video 4 - Click here for the french version