Workshop "Building the One Health Workforce in the European Region"

Leaders of MediLabSecure Public Health expertise, Italian National Institute for Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità - ISS) organized an International Workshop “Building the One Health Workforce in the European Region” that took place in Rome from February 29th to March 1st, 2024 in person and remotely.
This workshop aimed to:
- Contribute to outline competencies and skills for One Health prevention and preparedness.
- Contribute to conceptualize and characterize the One Health workforce in the European Region.
Experts from academia, national institutions and international organizations were invited, including representatives of WHO, WHOA, FAO and UNEP. Experts from various sectors came together to discuss the skills required for effectively developing and implementing plans to prevent and prepare for health threats.
Explore further details regarding the program and its featured speakers in the program below.